Learn more about Kids on the Block New Jersey!

Meet Our Client: Kids on the Block New Jersey

The Kids on the Block New Jersey Inc. (Kids on the Block) provides elementary school children with an educational puppet show to learn about important topics in a memorable way.

What is Kids on the Block New Jersey Inc.?

Kids on the Block is a well-researched, comprehensive performance program that is designed to educate K-4 elementary school students about important and timely issues.

Kids on the Blocks Puppets.

After the presentations, students are given the opportunity to ask specific questions and engage with the puppets.

Kids on the Block began in 1988, with shows being performed around the state. As it grew, its mission became to serve more schools throughout New Jersey.

In 2015, Kids on the Block became a non profit organization and focused on performing at underserved communities and schools.

What sets Kids on the Block apart?

Kids on the Block fills in the gap for schools that do not have funding for assembly programs, as they provide free performances for underserved schools.

Children can experience “The Kids” and puppet performances, as well as discuss topics in an inviting and memorable manner.

Kids on the Block Performance.

Some of the programs revolve around bullying prevention, disability awareness, violence prevention, and children’s mental health.

Executive Director Alexandria Pieroni expressed how the lessons often start conversations both at home and within the schools’ administrations. In relation to the mental health programs, schools have brought in more guidance counselors for students.

Why is Kids on the Block a Turrell Client?

Kids on the Block allows children to become exposed to topics surrounding physical and emotional differences.

Pieroni explained this breaks the ice for children and teaches them how to talk to someone who might not look like them.

During the discussions with the puppets, students are told there are “no wrong questions,” which encourages them to speak up. 

The programming adapts with time to ensure relevancy for children. Through the entertaining puppet show assemblies, students don’t even realize that they’re being taught a lesson.

Students and teachers watching Kids on the Block.

Pieroni also said the discussions have continued beyond the presentation, as students talk about the topics with teachers and parents long after the assemblies happen.

Turrell commends Kids on the Block for its incredible work in educating students in a way that is fun and interactive.

The Turrell Fund is proud to support Kids on the Block with its mission of creating positive change in attitudes among elementary school children. Thank you for all you do!

Learn more about Kids on the Block

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